Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ryan's Duplicity

Is loyalty a virtue? Not in Paul Ryan's case.
His behavior towards his comrade Akin shouts of duplicity.
Are these the qualities of an "honest" Vice President ??!!!

Media Tries to Influence Presidential Elections

CHARLIE CRIST, Former Republican Gov (Florida) ENDORSES OBAMA.

Should be front page headline news, but ......
Of 3 major newspapers: Washington Post, NY Times, and the Wall St. Journal
. . . .only . . . .
the Washington Post carried the story
Yet buried it
in small print
in the politics section.

Shame on the Media for burying this headline story !!!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One Versus the Other?

Please note: am trying to avoid annoying ads. Words that are hyphonated are due to avoidance techniques.

Because i'm interested in most everything, i've researched assiduously and have a wide base of k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e on ever so many topics.
Darn tho, if i can remember the facts when i need to lay aholt of them !
It's ever so frustrating, don'cha'know.
For instance: blooming carnation p-l-a-n-t-s will attract hummingbirds.
I know this.
The little carnation blooms delight me.
As do the hummingbirds.
But there seems to be a gap in my e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n!
The other evening as i watched the hummingbird sip the necter from the wee carnation blooms, it did occur to me to wonder if his long needle-like beak was injuring the blossom ??!!!
If so, the question comes to mind: 'which do you value more?'
The carnation plant i've nurtured diligently? Or the hummingbird?
It would cause me great emotional pain if i thought i had encouraged an environment whereby one injured the other.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Repub Pols

Ryan's Plan cuts our earned benefits and gives them to millionaires and billionaires.
Is that fair ???

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hot Dog

The American Institute For C-a-n-c-e-r Research reports: eating 1 hot dog a day increases the risk of c-a-n-c-e-r.
Paul Ryan, is the hot dog driving the Weinermobile.

Please note: i hyphenated the words to avoid the google ads

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Google Still Messing Up My Blog

It's probably time to switch to another blogging program. Transfer all these posts to another medium. But that is such a pain.
Did you know -- if you have a legitimate beef with a Google policy -- you can't contact them !!!
Have tried to send them several emails to ask that they stop using their ads on my blog, but try as i might, have found no way to get the emails to them !!!
Irony: had to google the question on how to contact google.
Apparantly, no one else knows how to get messages to them either.
What a bummer.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Google's Greed

Google, in their insatiable appetite to gain advertizers, is messing up my
English !!!
Obviously, i post because i think i have something worth sharing. And i choose my words most carefully trying to express exactly what i wish to impart.
The next day, i find that Google has redlighted and double-underlined several of my words, burping up ads which have nothing to do whatsoever with the content of my meaning.
Before Google decided to hog the market and buy out the original developers of Blogspot, it was a viable program. A Blessing to its users.
Now ???
It's a nightmare. One has to constantly monitor their posts and reword phrases in order to avoid the adverts. Quite often the import of meaning is lost in the transition.
How shabby is that, Google??!!! Shame on you.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Isn't It Time We Challenge . . . .

Isn't It Time We Challenge the Media's Concept of What Is "Important" ?

Most every day, i read both the NY Times and the Wash Post. Noticed yesterday that the Curiosity Mars landing was buried midway down the page, the headlines in small print.
Top of the page, over-sized headlines ? Blood-n-Gore in the Syrian conflict; Blood-n-Gore in the Wisconsin Sikh Temple.
Humanity's achievements minimized; the failures of man headlined and highlighted.
What hypocrisy then, for the media to lament violence . . . .
Codicil to yesterday's post: after posting, reread the Wash Post comments about the Curiosity endeavor -- this time i read all of them -- then zipped over to the NY Times comments.

What a difference in readership !!!

While, for the most part, the Wash Post readers/commentators dunned America's ( good heavens, what word can i put here that Google won't attach an ad to without destroying what i am trying to say? ) support of scientific advancement as "wasted money", those who perused the NY Times eulogized NASA's achievements.
Thank Goodness !!!
For a while there, i was afraid that most all American's had slipped below the level of mediocrity.

Monday, August 06, 2012


Curiosity landed perfectly !!!
What wonderful progress for man !

Glanced first at the Washington Post article, describing its landing. Then looked briefly at the comments, ( true, i only read the first 4) and couldn't believe the ignorance of American's dunning this scientific break-thru.
At exactly what point in time has the average American given up on intelligence ? opting, no doubt, for the distraction of games played on their iphones and ipads ! Or for the distraction of football games found on their local communications medium . . . or for the blood-and-gore prime-time shows which dull the mind towards any intellectual achievement.
Zipped over to the British newspaper, The Guardian, read the article and the comments. There, i found absolute jubilation at America's success in this endeavor. (I read many more of those comments.)
It intrigued me to find that the cost to the American taxpayer for Curiosity is only $7.00 ! That's a mere seven dollars, folks. We've paid much more than that to support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars !!!
OK. Before i get too high upon my horse, i'll conclude with: BRAVO !!! for our scientists who created and succeeded in this marvelous endeavor !
Have a positively successful and intelligent day . . . .