Bibi's Bomb
Isreal foisted a cartoon upon the UN General Assembly years ago, with its graph on Irag's supposed WMD's which was introduced through the trusting nature of Colin Powell who presented the material.
Isreal's hoax then, led Republican President George W. Bush to declare war on Iraq. That war caused the death of thousands of American lives. If you remember, it was strictly an American war -- Isreal, after goading America to act, didn't participate.
What a clever ploy. Get others to fight your wars for you, sacrafice their lives for you, while safeguarding the lives of your own citizens.
Now, Netanyahu, Isreal's Prime Minister, is at it again. Another cartoon. The audience is again the members of the UN General Assembly. This cartoon even has a title: Bibi's Bomb.
Obviously, Netanyahu is hoping to repeat Isreal's successful fear-and-war-mongering campaign which worked so well in goading Republican Geo. W. Bush to declare war.
Again, he is trying to goad America into a needless war which will cause the death of more American lives, while Isreal watches from the sidelines.
"Needless?" I hear you shouting. Your face is turning red in angst as you have an apoplectic fit. Just as it did over the WMD affair.
"Iran with a nuclear bomb and you call this needless war?"
There's a lot of folks who have joined Netanyahu's fear briggade. Certainly, Netanyahu has successfully conned Romney, just as Isreal did Bush, to committ to a war of Isreal's choosing. What puppets Netanyahu thinks we are. Isreal pulls the strings and America jumps to do its bidding.
There are a few informed American citizens trying to speak to the voice of reason.
One of Iran's missions, currently, is to improve its Medical Research Center which is dedicated to curing cancer. This Medical Research Center uses reactor fuel which in this case, just happens, to be nuclear fuel. And yes, Iran has made about 190 kg of 20% uranium. A third of that "stockpile" that Netanyahu is terrorizing you about -- has already been spent to fuel its Medical Research reactor !!!
Does it take a mathamatical genius to subtract 33-and-a-1/3% from 70% which equals 36.7% and realize that Bibi's Bomb cartoon diagram, which took Iran 70% of the way towards a nuclear weapon is a skewed mockery of the truth.
Netanyahu has just conveniently left out a few details -- that's all.
Western diplomats and nuclear experts point out that the Iranian uranium stockpile is monitored and under seal by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which would sound the alarm if Iran tried to "break out" and make weapons-grade uranium.
Thank God we have Obama as our President. Unlike Romney, Obama refuses to become another of Netanyahu's puppets. Obama, with a clear head and in control of ALL of the facts, refuses to be goaded into another war of Isreal's making.