Friday, March 10, 2006

Tea Trade

From the fields of five continents, Good Earth Originals brings a spicy blend of herb tea packaged in a wonderfully cheerful yellow box with the placid scene printed on the front of an old man guiding a large old-fashioned plow pulled by a horse.

Printed on the sides and back is a small vignette of vegetables which perhaps triggers impressions of a good earth yet registers not at all as a good tea.

However, the reason I mention this at all, (for being a strong black tea imbiber myself, I am loathe to mention any herb tea concoction) is when friends visit I like to have choices on hand to pamper their appetites and intrigue their imaginations.

Good Earth Herb Tea seems to satisfactorily fill this bill. As an added bonus, as if apologizing for its weak imitation of the heartier black teas, each teabag comes attached with a clever saying. A motto of sorts like those found in Chinese Fortune cookies.

This then is my motive for mentioning Good Earth. The mottos are sentimentally endearing even if the tea itself is not.
Tea Trade © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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