Thursday, March 02, 2006

Popular Culture?

The First Amendment guarantees:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of the Press
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom to Petition for Redress of Grievances

These freedoms protect the people's right to:

Speak freely: which means an American can criticize the government; criticize laws; criticize the President's policies, his hair color, choice of clothing, etc. (all public, government officials) without fear of imprisonment.

The right to practice Religion: any religion of your choice without being imprisoned, deported or harrassed in any way by government interference.

The right to own and publish newspapers: the government cannot regulate the newspapers regardless of their content.

The right to Assemble: people can gather together in peaceful groups; they can meet each other, stand around in groups, and discuss any topic they wish to without fear of being arrested.

The right to address the government: again, without fear of imprisonment.

Brought to you by the Constitution of the United States


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