Monday, February 27, 2006

Lexical Flipslippery

She opened her mouth and woosh! spilled forth woop woop and wop-wops.

In short, she uttered a combination of meaningful sounds. Or quite briefly: words gushed from her open mouth.

Gosh! Aren't words grand?

Who would have ever thought woop woop was a word? Very sophisticated people use it to describe a place that isn't. Sophisticated, that is.

Wop-wops describes the same kind of place that woop woop does except wop-wops is a highly offensive expression. Like swearing.

Speaking of swearing. I found the neatest word this morning. The next time I'm enjoying a tête-à-tête with a highbrow intellectual I'll use it.

"He swore like a trooper." or "He cussed like a dockworker." is much too easy for intellectuals. Why not challenge them a bit with: "He is a scatological philistine."?

Be careful to enunciate clearly though, especially if you are dining with an Arab. If you mumble, he might mistake philistine for Palestine, might jump to the conclusion that you're a Danish cartoonist, and might start a riotous demonstration.

Shucks. Scatological philistine is such a neat combination of words but, in this day and age, it might be safer to stick with woop woop.
Lexical Flipslippery © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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