Friday, March 03, 2006

Ole What's His Name

Was thumbing down the list of Senators holding office in the 109th Congress and some of their names caught my eye. There was a Lott of Graham. Crackers. Both of them. Of course, if you're a cracker, you're from the south.

Russell thought he'd Fein gold in Wisconsin but Dianne, who usually Feins steins, said: "C'mon down to California if you wanta Fein gold.

Meanwhile, Sununu was trying to Snowe some Sessions of the senatorial meetings with his Talent but John said: "I Warn 'er right now, let's back off this topic and All lard down at the smorgasbord.

The gavel banged down with a snap, closing the Sessions. The senators adjourned to the dining room where Jim said: "I want deMint." Mike said: "I want deWine." To which Idaho's Mike replied: It's all a bunch of Crapo. There's better stuff down the street where we can Tune Inn with real relish."

Mikulski formed a Bond with a solid Rock (of a) feller who had a Pryor appointment with a Boxer. Both senators had a Burr under their saddle blankets.

Orrin Hatched a plan to spy on the public but Debbie said: "Stab (m)e now if I go along with that. It's too close to elections. John thought that was Corny 'n trite.

Joseph Bid en them all to come to order for the second time that day, but Arlen laughed at the Specter of Coleman carrying Kohl into the next Sessions while Chuck Haggled with the Ensign and Thad watched as the Coch ran onto the Brown back of Sam until Elizabeth Doled out deWine she'd schlepped from the smorgasborg.

There you have a day at the Senate, folks. If that Society of Senators had more time for deliberation, they'd probably make a great many more mistakes but then nothing sews a senate session more snugly into our memories than the wish to forget it.
Ole What's His Name © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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