Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Only Goat Professors Need Apply

We have a goat and we need a volunteer teacher. The perspective teacher must be well versed in the methodology of teaching goats how to jump over the moon.

Now you know, if cows can jump over the moon, then goats can too. And we highly suspect that our goat is more than qualified to successfully perform this feat. We just built this goat pen. It took us thirty-three days to build. Every time we thought we were finished, our goat would jump over the top easy as pie.

By the time the walls of the pen were a hundred-and-twenty-six feet tall, we were exhausted. We finally gave up on the idea of a pen and built the goat a little house. One with a roof on top to keep him contained.

So you know this goat could jump over the moon.

He needs a teacher who can coax him to change his mind about entering pole-vaulting contests. Someone with a lot of patience who can teach him how to shoot for the moon instead.

At this point in time, we can't offer financial renumeration for your efforts but if you teach our goat, you will have the satisfaction of being the first person to put a goat on the moon.

I'm sure we could supply the goat with a silver spoon and he already has horns aplenty. We can testify to that because we've already tried the "by-seat-of-your-pants" teaching method. It didn't work. Which is the reason we need a qualified goat professor.

It's not so much that we want to get rid of the goat, you understand. We just want to send him packing.
Only Goat Professors Need Apply © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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