Monday, January 30, 2006

David Challenges Goliath

A bunch of gangsters have a stranglehold on our nation. They are ripping away our civil liberties, spying on our bedroom activities, stealing our country's wealth and sending our children to near-certain death. They have nominated Alito for a position on the Supreme Court, so he can further enhance their power-grabbing policies, and only one man, so far, has stood front and center, demanding that this be stopped.

Others have talked about it; said they would give Alito's confirmation a down-vote. But only one man has called for a filibuster.

If Senator John Kerry was in town, I'd race the mile to give him a hug.

Kerry is a brave man who genuinely cares about the well being of our American people. It's comforting to know we have at least one honest man in government who will stride the extra distance to protect our rights and liberties.

For didn't he take giant steps from the Swiss Alps to America, recently, to do just that !!!

All Americans should applaud his actions. That's right. Stand up and cheer.

Or do you have mockery wrapped around your tongue like the Republican mouthpiece, Scott McClellan?

Ever notice that when folks have nothing worthwhile to say they resort to mockery and ridicule? Kinda shows you the caliber of the Bush administration and Republican senators currently in Washington, doesn't it?

Why am I praising Senator Kerry's virtues? Because he had the guts to call for a filibuster to block Alito's confirmation.

Since the Democrats are greatly outnumbered by power-hungry Republicans, Kerry's actions are worth a special accolade. He is David challenging Goliath.

And that takes real courage, folks.

In the same heartbeat, I was appalled by the democrat from Illinois. Senator Barack Obama publicly criticized the filibuster. Darn shame, too. Before his little speech Sunday, I thought he was a promising and noteworthy politician.

Do the Republicans really have the needed 60 votes? Today's tally will determine that issue. As far as I've been able to determine, as of yesterday, they only had 53 in their pocket. Maybe 54.

Of course, my bet is on Senator Kerry and Senator Edward M. Kennedy to magically pull an Easter Bunny out of the senatorial hat. Yeah, yeah. I know Easter is a long ways away, but the Easter miracle needs to occur earlier this year.

Women, minorities and any institution that still believes in the myth of honest government should cross their fingers and six of their toes that Alito's confirmation is blocked.

The reason? Shucks now, it should be plain for all to see. The Supreme Court should be peopled by honorable men and women, not by political gangster's appointees.
David Challenges Goliath © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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