Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday Morning XVI

Thankfully, life has not demanded memorization from me.

Instead, it has admonished: Think it through. Reach a logical conclusion based on facts, not gossip nor heresay.

Meet and greet people and situations and glean firsthand information, then base your conclusions on what you believe to be true without being unduly influenced by what others tell you is true.

For they may have learned to see all life situations as a Blessing or they may see mostly problems. Notice carefully what they are saying before you place value in their judgement.

When they speak of others, do they refer to another's qualities as: kind, considerate, gracious, loving, good, compassionate, truthful and honest, intelligent, brave, generous and courteous?

Since life is a mirror image, they are seeing qualities of themselves reflected in others.

Do they speak of others in this fashion: mean, dumb, unkind, inconsiderate, hateful, liers, cowardly, stingy, rude, dishonest and arrogant?

These, too, are their own qualities reflected in life's mirror.

Know that as one speaks of another, they are describing themselves.

Know, also, that what you put into your mind is most often what comes out! If you read books describing sordid affairs or watch crime shows or movies depicting the baser elements of life, you will scare yourself into believing that we live in a similar world.

I have a hunch that Thomas Edison, Sally Ride, Bill Gates and other achievers spent little, or no time at all, filling their minds with such negative concepts.

Yes, thankfully, life did not give me a parrot's role, destined to repeat what merely has been memorized, but rather it taught me to listen, analyze, study and choose my sources well.

I am grateful that this is so.


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