Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pins And Needles

To be downright truthful with you, I can honestly say that my ears don't itch.

They screamed in pain, once, when they were pierced. But they have never . . . itched.

Which is paradoxical. For as many will tell you, I am a newshound who needs my daily fix. What's going on in the world? What's the scoop on Sharon? Is he out of the coma yet? Or still slumbering peacefully, letting the Palestine elections take care of themselves without Israeli input? Speaking of Palestine -- did Hamas gain a foothold or merely wet their toenails in the elections? What's happening on the Alito front?

Yep. I am absolutely eager for news.

But my ears don't itch.

Which brings us to a question. Is the expression: "If your ears itch it means you are anxious for news", a myth or a maxim?

It would be nice to know more about itches. For instance: if that condition affects the palm of the hand, is money truly coming our way? And what about the bottom of the feet? Is it just dirty socks? Or are travel adventures actually slated to occur?

My research on the persistent desire to satisfy the prickling-skin syndrome has merely scratched the surface. But you know what? While I'm scratching around for more information on this fascinating topic, if someone would scratch my back I'd be eternally grateful.

Lower . . . um, lower. Now, over to the right a little bit. No lower.

Ah . . . Yes! That's exactly where it itches.
Pins And Needles © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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