Friday, April 01, 2005


Columns may be sporadic for the next couple of days.

One never realizes until they sell their house how totally unprepared they are to immediately find, finance and move into another one. Mind boggling.

House-hunting today.

Found a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with huge windows. It's actually kind-of neat. Has character. It also has a hot tub!

Only trouble is: altho mostly remodeled; it isn't quite finished. Small items such as kitchen isn't in; downstairs bathroom isn't plumbed; floors -- well -- they're there, but not finished.

Still, I thought I saw a deal in the making. In a Boeing Jet Market this property carries a VW price tag . . . .

Since this area is currently experiencing a fast-paced seller's market ( If you see it now, it'll have an offer pending before you can write out a contract ) I had to act fast, if I were to act at all.

Only trouble was, the realtor who is sweet as a summer sunset, was slow as a winter's dawn. We started writing a contract near 4pm and by 8:30pm: We were still writing the contract !

I gave up. Threw in the towel. Said: "Enough already yet."

We'll finish writing the contract in the morning - maybe.

Have you ever been seized by the heat of the moment? When everything major seems like a minor detail? Your mind waltzes over practical matters: like how in the world are you going to install cabinets above the kitchen sink?

I'm not small, mind you. Actually, at 5 feet 2, I'm rather big for my age. But the probabilities of lifting the cabinet off the floor would require a feat of super-human strength. Bet they weigh more than I do!

And how in Hades, does one hold the cabinet while trying to nail it to the wall above one's head. One could stand on the sink, i suppose. There's just one small hitch. The sink isn't installed yet.

The ceiling lights are all there. Sure are pretty. Those southern ceiling-fan type of lights. But still, I'd have to attach them to the new wiring which dangles from the ceiling. I'm not too sure about how to do that . . . .

Yes, well, I'm house-hunting, so columns may be sporadic for a few days.

Of course, this house is vacant. So, if i sign the contract tomorrow morning, I can move right in.

Ah sure now, I'll sleep on it. I'm sure I'll regain my enthusiasm for this project after a good night's sleep.
Good night, all.
Renovations © 2005 Chaeli Sullivan


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