Monday, February 21, 2005

Heard It On The News

If you were in Vancouver, Canada, earlier this month you could have had fun playing at vandalism when the Vancouver agency, Rethink, sandwiched 3 million and 500 dollars between sheets of 3M Scotchshield glass and invited the public to break, enter, and make off with the cash.

The bet? That the new 3M product was unbreachable; couldn't be broken. Someone figured it out though. The aluminum frame came apart fairly easily. Boy, oh boy! Was that pseudo-gangster disappointed when he discovered that 3 million of the stash was play money.

Still, he walked away with $500 spendable dollars. Not bad for a few minutes work with a screw-driver.

On the lighter side:

USA Next, the agency that dreamt up the Swift Boat Scam, has 10-28 million dollars at their disposal which means their next smut campaign will be well-financed.

If you're a Democrat, hold onto your shirttails, for the next round is going to be low down and dirty. The folks at USA Next are going after all those in the House and Senate who oppose Bush's Private Investment Accounts.

So what's the gullibility factor? How many people are actually going to believe that all the Democrats suddenly sprouted horns and a devil's tail?

If history repeats itself, probably about 52 percent.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Very Important Fish said...

I hope your wrong!


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