Current Epistolary
Thank you for your comments, Mr. Booo, from Anonymous.
What an unusual name you have! With such a moniker, you must receive quite a bit of ribbing during the Holloween season!
To address your concern, Mr. Booo. You are being unneccessarily sensitive about a small joke. Do not be alarmed. Yesterday's column on Tolerance was only written because it was Sunday and one must speak to the nobler instincts of mankind on a Holy day.
But now, it is Monday and I can quite agree with your point of view. Intolerance is just the ticket. We should all acknowledge our baser qualities ( And intolerance is certainly one of those! ) and applaud ourselves that we stood up, manfully, and made our declaration: "I, Booo, from Anonymous, promote and substantiate that Intolerance is the only quality necessary to successfully navigate life's course." (At least, i think, that is what your elegant and flowery comments, crisp with clarity, indicated.)
My hat is off to you for your bravery, Booo. It isn't every day that people will come forth and declare who they are and exactly that for which they stand.
Bravo, Mr. Booo.
In closing, may i wish you all the best intolerance,
I knew when I saw this post to your blog yesterday that it would just send you! I noted that it was anonymous and that filled me with dread as I had posted anonymously the day before as I couldn't remember my password and the silly thing wouldn't let me sign in as very important fish. But I was particularly upset by the Booo response for reasons other than that I thought the response was sure to be painful to you. Certainly, I don't want you to get your feelings hurt. But the real reason I was upset by it was because I thought the piece was so good. It was such a beautiful way of demonstrating in a non threatening way exactly what you had said in your previous writing about the clash of ideas about God. I loved the light fun language and the way you played with the words for sidewalk and the way you played with what a sidewalk does actually or how it would think. In other words Booo seemed to be completely missing the point and was certainly just a sour puss.
So when I saw this post this am and saw it was addressed to Booo, I was chuckling as it confirmed that you had felt the jab not from his gallant sword but from what surely was a dull rusty pair of wornout fingernail clippers.
I enjoyed your response. But I wanted to give you a big hug because, that stupid naysayer was just wrong. And your viewpoint that he/she obviously read was just what he needed to read!!!
Keep up the good work!!!
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