Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday Morning

The small "i"'s are intentional - not a grammar error. The capital You's mid-sentence are intentional, too. A passage read years ago, shared that English is the only language so egotistical that it capitalizes the "I" wherever it is found.

Guess i figure six days out of the week, i'll try to be so-phis-ti-cated, write about current, hep topics, hopefully with humor, satire, parody -- any tool that brings, at the very least, a smile to whomever these posts land upon.
But the seventh day, well ... it did occur to me, to say: Thank YOU, God for all the Blessings YOU have given me.
Here is the premise: We are all ultimately talking to God.
Whatever we conceive Him to be, our dialogues, or if you will, our monologues, are directed outwards to the Universe and the Universe is God. All of it.
And, perhaps, that is where humor springs from, for it has come across my consciousness - that God is Joy. Some would go a step further and say Blissful Joy, but i would have trouble with the Blissful part. Joy, i have experienced.

It's always "iffy" to talk about God in public. For each person holds their own opinions dear. They seem to think if you mention your belief system, you are contradicting theirs. Years ago, folks weren't so hesitant to share.

Something happened a couple of weeks ago. When morning dawned bright, warm and sunny ( a rare occurrence in mid-winter close to the Canadian border), my mood matched the weather. Bright, warm and sunny. Expansive, if You will. Thems are the days my sense of humor usually shines. So the day promised to be full of fun.

Read the NY Times, first thing, as i usually do. Then, answered emails. One of the first ones asked me, personally, how she could write an article about rock formation without mentioning the fact that rocks evolve over a period of years, layer upon layer. She didn't believe in evolution, she said, and refused to write any article which gave a hint that anything could have "evolved". She believes that God created everything.

My first thought was: Why Oh Why Didn't You Address This Question To Someone Else? Almost chickened out and didn't answer the email at all. There's so many handy excuses why one didn't answer an email. Didn't receive it. Received it but thought it was a spammer. Received so many emails, it got lost in the shuffle.

But no. Something in my psyche chose to answer. My own personal belief system kicked in.

If God is All, (which i believe He Is ) then He created everything. Like You know -- everything! Since "evolution" is SOMETHING, and the part is a segment of the whole, it is included in EVERYTHING. Therefore: God Created Evolution. It's quite simple, really. And i can see no reason for the great conflab that one has to choose between Evolution and Creationalism. God Created Evolution. Period.

Not only was she not buying into that premise, she hasn't spoken to me since!

Ah yes, well, so much for answering emails on bright, warm, sunshiny mid-winter days. If You want a much more limited point of view, send your emails on snowy, blistery days when it's hard to see past the front yard, let alone glean a perspective on the unlimited world in which we live.


At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Bible also tells us that God is love.

It sounds like you handled the situation with a healthy dose of love to me. That won't surprise any of those who know you from the group. We've seen it before.

Enjoy the sunshine. :)



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