Sunday Morning XXX
If we could look at our own mistakes with a certain scientific detachment which avoids the two extremes of lazy tolerance and futile disgust, we could be more honest with our world and escape the condition of judging others. It would improve our memory also, for we wouldn't have to "forget" our involvement with the results of these actions.
Some folks call these mistakes "sins". Yet the label, sin, has an overwhelmingly negative impact on the psyche of the individual. As if God would "judge" us as sinners! God, who tells us not to judge others would not himself judge anything or anyone at all. To do so would be beneath the purity of his Very Being. For sitting in judgement is as impure and futile an action as any that man has conceived.
Our missive this week is to enter situations without pre-thought and with a certain sponaneity; enjoy the moment without manipulating the outcome; and finally, exit without after-thinking the events.
Good luck with this endeavor. And I wish you better success than I've attained with it. For while I can successfully enter into situations without pre-thinking what they should or could bring, and can enjoy the moment without manipulating its outcome, I never have escaped the experiences without after-thinking them, and yes . . . "judging" the events and all contained within them.
Bon voyage on this journey of self-exploration and I wish you God Bless.
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