U.S. Spoonfed Illness; Brits Spoonfed Health
Duh. It doesn't take a mental acrobat to know that older folks in England are healthier than their kindred Americans.
The co-author, professor Sir Michael Marmot, of a May 3 article published in the Journal of The American Medical Association, or JAMA, concludes, after much research, that: Older Americans are much sicker than their English counterparts.
Why waste money on research to prove that? Sir Marmot need look no further than his TV set to determine the obvious.
Yet, after all this research, Marmot is still questioning why there are more incidents of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, heart attack and strokes in Americans than in the Brits.
Marmot has tried to pin the causes for the disparity on smoking, obesity, alcohol abuse, and contrasting health care systems. ( Britain has a state-run National Health Service as opposed to America's wealth-seeking capitalistic practitioners.)
You can almost see the poor fellow shaking his head in dismay as his research showed that the differences in health could not be ascribed to these "usual scapegoats" . . . ah . . . er, I mean, "usual suspects".
If Sir Marmot had consulted me I could have saved him a lot of work. Probably a lot of headaches, too.
Now, I wantcha to know I'm not basing the following conclusion on any scientific data. It's doubtful that any major research has been done to prove my point. Yet, I am absolutely sure, without a doubt sure, that the folks in America who have diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, heart attack and strokes are the very same folks who watch TV.
To be specific, they watch the news on television plus other programs. We know they watch the news because it is always the worse offender. Every evening, folk's subconscious is brainwashed into believing they have the very diseases listed above which coincidentally are the very medications advertised on American TV.
One has a hunch that British television programming is quite different. One thing's for sure. It is free from American pharmaceutical companies' medicinal advertising. Hence, a healthier, older population.
It's one of those simple but powerful conclusions, Americans would be as healthy as the Brits if we watched the BBC instead of American television stations.
US Spoonfed Illness; Brits Spoonfed Health © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan
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