Bush Kicks The Puppydog
Never thought I'd hear myself say it, but I felt sorry for Scott McClellan yesterday when he tendered his resignation. "I have given it my all," he said, the pathos of anguish resonating from his voice. "I have given you my all, Mr. President."
And all who heard his voice knew McClellan had done just that: He gave everything he had, right down to his shoelaces and the holes in his socks.
McClellan defended his president against all comers with a loyalty fierce to see.
I didn't particularly like Scott McClellan. He resembled one of those people who eat fish on Fridays and then brag pompously about their sanctity as if that could whitewash the lies they told all week long.
Yet, it's the same when any travesty occurs, one's heart goes out to the victim. And Scott McClellan was definately a victim. Fall guy for an administration gone bad where the major players must remain in place to preserve the illusive image of integrity.
McClellan's misplaced loyalty was expendable.
The look of betrayal which slid across his features drooped like a hounddog's jowls questioning, "What more could I have done?"
Nothing Scott. You could have done nothing more. You perjured your soul straight into Dante's Inferno "trying your all" to accomplish the unaccomplishable. You cannot make cheese cake from rancid gravy.
What do you want to bet that McClellan was hoodwinked by the old Robin Hood gag: honor among thieves and all that balderdash. One only has to examine the principle of the matter to realize there can be no honor among the corrupt. It is an oxymoron like trying to find truth in a lie.
Folks with a more discerning eye than McClellan's, saw quite a while back that Bush and his regime are not the eagles of a proud democracy but are the clay pidgeons of a society ripe for totalitarian plucking.
Bush Kicks The Puppydog © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan
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