Matrimony And The Messiah
It has to be questioned: how much do the authors, Baigent and Leigh, believe in the unusual claim they've made?
In their book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, they theorize that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion, married Mary Magdalene and that the Holy Grail is a bloodline, not a chalice as is commonly believed.
Both Baigent, Leigh and a third author, Henry Lincoln, spent five years studying a massive amount of historical material before arriving at the conclusion hypothesized in their book.
But . . . .
The question still remains. Do they believe their hypothesis?
It seems that if they do, indeed, believe in the premise of the material they presented in 1982, they would be delighted that the concept is being carried forward by Brown. Does their litigation throw a cloud over the premise? Reduce the veracity of the theory?
Or is the 'Da Vinci Code' trial more than it appears to be?
Dan Brown's book, The Da Vinci Code, which has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, projects a similar set of proposals as the Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Similar, yet the authors involved reach different conclusions about Jesus and the crucifixion. Brown maintains that Jesus did not survive the crucifixion and that the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene took place before the crucifixion occurred.
The trial held in London recently, purportedly concerned copyright laws. Baigent and Leigh accused Brown of lifting the entire architectural structure of their book. And perhaps that is what this trial was all about.
But . . . .
Could there be more?
Since both books basically say the same thing: that the descendants of the children who resulted from the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene are still thriving today, perhaps this trial is more than the sum of the litigations.
Perhaps with worldwide news coverage, the trial is a method of bringing universal awareness full circle round to the sanctity of marriage. Or . . . .
Could it be the prelude to a message that out of the ashes of history a phoenix will rise yet again. A new messiah.
For those interested in the outcome of the trial, Justice Peter Smith exonerated Brown. Which is good news, indeed, for those of us who rely heavily on the use of nonfiction works for background research.
Matrimony And The Messiah © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan
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