Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gneissly Flipped

Fix it only if it is not broken and then your work load in life will be as easy as that of the fellow whose motto is: don't fix it if it's not broke.

Either way the two of you are getting off a heck of a lot easier than the poor guy who leaves no stone unturned.

There are trillions and zillions of rocks in this universe and here's some dear old soul whose sole job it is to wander earth and turn over every stone!

In a way it's a cushy job, for the fellow will never be out of work. Although it's quite unclear who has hired him for this employment.

It sounds like such a bureaucratic position that one highly suspects our government hired this fellow to turn over stones. (Surely, that Texas prosecutor could use his stone turning services on the Tom DeLay case, right now.)

More than likely, the job was created back during the Cold War when we were hiring spies. Noise identification is an important aspect of spying and it's probable that the department chief said, "Leave no tone unheard."

Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case may be, this fellow was hard of hearing, thought the chief said: Leave no stone unturned, and has been collecting a paycheck ever since.

So that concludes our manual titled, How To Procure American Government Positions. If you have missed the first sections of this manual, go back to the beginning, located on Page One and start with: Fix it only if it is not broken; diligently read through to the last: Leave no stone unturned, and when you are finished, you will find yourself in possession of more information than the majority of government employees are currently working with.

Good luck with your job quest. We sincerely need more intelligent folks working in government.
Gneissly Flipped © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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