Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday Morning XXIX

Interesting, is it not? A critter can have the most beautiful plummage in the universe, have the best house in the neighborhood, have the greatest toys in the world, but if it gives not love, it has nothing at all.

It's cloak of inner ugliness is so tightly drawn about itself that other's eyes can discern no outward beauty.

It bites and pecks. Refusing the love genuinely offered until finally it has created only emnity. It's sharp beak shreds the fabric of affection offered from a sincere heart, until nothing remains but distrust; the blood it draws congeals and jellies into hatred.

The plainer critter, who nests in your heart, is better loved.

This then is the true challenge of life. To find it in your own heart, at the end of the day, to love the unlovely.


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