Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Shilling Before A Pense Of Sense

You can't pass the buck if the buck stops here.

If you can't pass the buck the economy becomes stagnant.

When the economy becomes stagnant, there are no bucks to be had. Therefore, a corrupt administration like Bush's, which takes no responsibility for its actions, is actually an economic blessing for the country.

But let that not eclipse the imperative need for an extended hunting season, so there will be plenty of bucks for everybody. The president of vice, otherwise known as Vice President Cheney, needs an extended hunting season and the lobbyists need plenty of bucks.

Codicle amendment: It is equally imperative that no one be allowed to have deer pets for this results in the buck becoming dear.
A Shilling Before A Pense Of Sense © 2006 Chaeli Lee Sullivan


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