Thursday, December 29, 2005

Happy New Year

The most arduous task I've performed in the last three days is to fend off the kisses of my little Yorkie. And, trust me, that was almost more than I could do!

Since I never catch the flu, I haven't quite known what to do with it. A baseball player who never catches the ball, knows exactly what I mean.

There is that moment of stunned, inoperative silence when the ball lands squarely in his glove and the primordial thought uppermost on his mind is: What in the world to I do with THIS?

For now, I think the best course of action is to hide under the pillow where Pash can't find my nose or my ear. She means well, but I'm quite sure wet-tongue-inside-the-nostril is not an FDA approved remedy.

See y'all after New Year's and, in the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy and remember, if you're out there on the ballfield, keep your mitt closed . . . so you don't catch the flu.


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